
Metric Units
S.I. Base Units
The International System of Units (S.I.) defines seven base units for
the seven base quantities:
Quantity |
Name |
Symbol |
length | meter (or metre) | m |
mass | kilogram | kg |
time | second | s |
electric current | ampere | A |
thermodynamic temperature | kelvin | K |
luminous intensity | candela | cd |
amount of substance | mole | mol |
S.I. Derived Units
Derived units are defined in terms of the seven base units.
S.I. Derived Units with Special Names
Quantity |
Name |
Symbol |
Derivation |
force | newton | N | kg m s-2 |
pressure, stress | pascal | Pa | N m-2 |
work, energy, quantity of heat | joule | J | N m |
power | watt | W | J s-1 |
electric charge | coulomb | C | A s |
potential difference | volt | V | W A-1 |
electromotive force | volt | V | J C-1 |
capacitance | farad | F | C V-1 |
resistance | ohm |  | V A-1 |
conductance | siemens | S | -1 |
magnetic flux | weber | Wb | V s |
magnetic flux density, magnetic induction | tesla | T | Wb m-2 |
inductance | henry | H | V s A-1 |
luminous flux | lumen | lm | cd sr |
illumination | lux | lx | lm m-2 |
frequency | hertz | Hz | s-1 |
S.I. Supplementary Units
Quantity |
Name |
Symbol |
Derivation |
area | hectare | ha | 104 m2 |
volume | liter (or litre) | l | 10-3 m3 |
plane angle | radian | rad | |
solid angle | steradian | sr | |
S.I. Prefixes for Multiples and Submultiples
The International System of Units (S.I.) defines 20 prefixes used to
form decimal multipliers for the S.I. units:
Prefix | Symbol | Meaning |
| | | Prefix | Symbol | Meaning |
yotta | Y | 1024 | | | |
milli | m | 10-3 |
zetta | Z | 1021 | | | |
micro | µ | 10-6 |
exa | E | 1018 | | | |
nano | n | 10-9 |
peta | P | 1015 | | | |
pico | p | 10-12 |
tera | T | 1012 | | | |
femto | f | 10-15 |
giga | G | 109 | | | |
atto | a | 10-18 |
mega | M | 106 | | | |
zepto | z | 10-21 |
kilo | k | 103 | | | |
yocto | y | 10-24 |
| | | | | |
| | |
hecto | h | 102 | | | |
deci | d | 10-1 |
deca | da | 10 | | | |
centi | c | 10-2 |
cm = 10-2 m = 0.01 m
km = 103 m = 1000 m
The kilogram is the only S.I. base unit that already includes a prefix.
Therefore 1 gram (g) = 0.001 kilogram (kg).
